love your series
sorry i take so long to see it tell me when your other scome out and use my previous suggestions,lol im persistant.
love your series
sorry i take so long to see it tell me when your other scome out and use my previous suggestions,lol im persistant.
I just wanna inform u ur the co-author of ep. 6 & 7
that was so damn funny
d and d spoof lol!
that was very imaginative,but i dont understand the soul forgeing.keep up the creative work!
Hi, the 'soul-forging' was done by the demon as a punishment. It means that if Dennis was to die, Harry would die, and vice-versa - so they have to work together to undo it.
hey,not as good as the first,
but it was still very smooth.heres my suggestions.
1.plot(of course we need to know whats goin on)
3.more battles
4.less repetitive and more variety to the combat.
5.suggestions for my 1st review(hyper sonic,music:))
6.also use more rock for battles,at least i like did well on sound in these,except the repetitive gunfire of punches and kicks(repetition is bad:()
7overall for your firsts good job
NOTE:thanks for replying to most reviews and i saw your profile pic,use hyper sonic(trust me hes way cooler.)maybe in the last epi. use the last level in 3 that you needed super (or hyper)to get the real ending.
thanx for the nice review my friend yes part 3 will be longer and it will have the plot again...could u give my the hyper sonic music I-M me on Sonic Link 615 or email me at
good but............
theres a thing called a preloader and foxys hands looked like an old grandma getting married.i think this was very good though,cept for me havin to rewind and play again and again cause waiting was getting boring so i just rewinded and played.
I realized that after I uploaded it. I made a comment about it in the summery. I’m not so sure what you mean about Fox’s hand. Do you mean when he’s toying with the controls? His hands are kind of skinny, but they’re white because they’re gloves.
awesome no matter what others say
needs legnth though,and use crystal cavern music next,you know the level after the music at the ends.heck use crystal cavern.thats where the super chaos and master emerald should be in new games.:( also use (hyper)sonic.ever get that in the game?
thanx man go c part 2
good job
you need to make more of these with the hope that aspiring artists will quit makeing horse **** flashes,which is a hopelessly pursued goal.........
it reminds me of this site bullfrogor redbullfrog or something.i forgot the name of it,but it had like 3 evil piggies and blues clues and surviver parodys.if you know the site email me plz.
I dont have a clue
good but not the best
i liked the gay jokes.did you spell robotnik,robotdick on purpose?
ehm, yeah lol
better than the first
this was cool.the graphics where improved thus better score.the sound was great again.but i dont
understand the revenge thing since there wasnt any winner in the first.i loved the oh,shit he has surpased me bit said by mario,and the sound he made when he was bein pounded in the ground.
Yep, sfx worked great in this one.
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